Abatement and Progressive Cleaning Programs - After Natural Disasters, industrial accidents or International Terrorist attacks areas will need to be secured and abatement must occur.

What Would Barry Goldwater Do - There are a number of little books of wisdom on the market, including ?What Would Jesus Do?? and ?What Would Buddha Do??.

The Principles of AnarchoCommunism - A Few Words To My Fellow Squatters, Homeless Folk, and Brothers and Sisters in Revolution.

Exerting Influence - Throughout the years I have noted with varying degrees of curiosity, and sometimes bewilderment, that most organizations have a group of people known as insiders who seem to exert more influence than others.

Congressman Mike Doyle Confirms Strategy Troops To Come Home Because of Murtha - Living in Pennsylvania's 14th Congressional District I often get mailers of one of the left's more spineless liberals - Congressman Mike Doyle.

The Homestead Revolution Part II - We are taught that the U.

The Real Cost of War - Many people talk about the cost of war, the military industrial complex and the deaths.

Illegal Aliens at Car Washes Busted - Allowing illegal aliens in our country is dangerous to our national security and when we allow greedy car wash owners to hire illegal aliens so that they can exploit this labor we are doing a disservice to the safety of the American People.

Abuse of Democracy in the Philippines - The democrat move to impeach President Arroyo is an abuse of democracy.

Abatement and Conducting of Practice Drills Makes Sense - We all understand abatement procedures for getting rid of pests, nuisances and contaminants.

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