
Faith As The Basis for Presidential DecisionMaking

Why is it important for the American voter to fully comprehend the faith of every Presidential candidate? The American electorate cannot be expected to buy into the myth that a candidate's faith will not influence their electability. Platform and politics over prayer. Spin over spirit. Facts over faith. The electorate needs to reconsider its position in the coming season of elections, especially as it votes for the next President of the United States. The vote should not be political, the vote should be prayerful which means it will require faith.

In so many ways, Governor Romney was cautious to say that his faith would not influence his decision-making process as President. The question that must be asked is what, then, will his decision-making be influenced by? Every American should demand an answer to that question. Full and honest disclosure of every candidate's faith is fundamental to the democratic process.

It is not optional. A candidate's knowledge, as defined by education, experience, and intellect, is important. But, it is what a candidate believes, as evidenced by their faith, that shapes the value system which will serve as the foundation for their ability to govern. There must be an inherent level of integrity within each candidate that calls for an end to duality. Any candidate that implies that their choices will not be influenced by their faith is deceived about what faith really is, and as a result, not worthy of a vote.

According to the old adage, stand for something or fall for anything. It is not acceptable for any candidate to shirk their faith in an effort to win votes. A candidate's faith must be the foundation upon which their candidacy rests, and if this is not the case, they are not fit to run the concession stand at the Friday night football game let alone a country. The American people deserve to know what every candidate believes.

The question of faith must be addressed by anyone who wants to move into the Oval Office. The faith declaration must be made, honestly and openly, by every candidate. Spin-free. Why? Because candidates are not robots despite the fact that they, oftentimes, seem to be.

Candidates are human. No amount of compartmentalization will prevent them from ultimately responding out of their humanness; this will be particularly true in times of challenge. In the times of personal or national crisis that are certain to ensue, the incumbent will not persevere because of what they know or how much experience they have had.

Their university, their party, and even their constituents will be unable to get them through. The only force that any candidate will instinctively rely upon in times of tragedy and crisis will be the force of their faith, what they believe, their ideology. The issue deciding the next Presidential election will not be health care, or foreign relations, it will be faith.

Michele F. Richardson, is President and CEO of The Reconciliation Party Incorporated. Michele is also author of The "S" Word: A Commentary On GOD and Sex. Additionally, she is extremely passionate about helping others fulfill their GOD-given destinies. For more information, visit www.MicheleFRichardson.com.

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