The Day the Music Died - The rest of the world is puzzled by this sudden "about face" in the care for human rights.

Textual Images of Iraq - American citizens receive many images about the war/occupation in Iraq on a daily basis which bombard listeners, readers, and viewers with images about the application of U.

Law Of Attraction Clinton Biden Blame Bush but are Just As Responsible for War in Iraq - Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden are blaming Bush for the war in Iraq, but it's the collective consciousness of the people of the United States (and the rest of the world) that is really responsible.

How to Become a Navy SEAL - You can?t just become a SEAL; you have to earn your Trident.

Peace is Not Paved With Violence - There is a parallel between the war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan in that the violence of the U.

Are Dual Citizens Subject to Military Callup - The article provides information about dual citizens and military call-up.

My First Night In Bangkok June - As a 20-year old soldier, I received orders to Bangkok, Thailand.

What Does It Really Mean To Be A US Citizen - It supposedly means we have great rights and priviledges, but in actuality, these rights are bipartisan with the rich and wealthy having one set of rights and the poor another.

Disaster in the Soviet Union The Chernobyl Nuclear Meltdown - In the Western region of the former Soviet Union, at that time the only Superpower in the world other than the United States, disaster struck the sleepy Ukraine town of Pripyat.

Point and Click Democracy Why It Doesnt Work - This article explores the impact of the Internet on democracy and answers the question "does e-mail work in communicating with elected officials?".

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